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ASTM D3105
點擊次數:792 更新時間:2019-08-13

ASTM D3105

本頁面標準信息均來源于網絡收集,或由參與標準制定的供應商提供,只作為參考使用,為確保測試結果的準確性、節省您的時間,如需ASTM D3105標準詳細信息或ASTM D3105具體測試方法,可與我們技術人員聯系或給我們留言,我們將為您提供相關的技術支持。


ASTM D3105是彈性體和塑性體屋頂防水材料試驗方法索引:

ASTM D3105為彈性體和塑性體屋頂防水材料的選擇提供參考的。不包括組合物規格和一般的分析方法,以及對原材料的測試,使用程序的范圍被限制為接收材料或成品材料或涂層材料的評價。

ASTM D3105英文介紹

Significance and se

Where more than one test method or testing condition is listed for the same characteristic in this index, selection of the methods and conditions to be followed must be governed by experience and the requirements in each individual case, together with agreement between the purchaser and seller. The user of this standard must be cautioned that results obtained by different test methods and different conditions of test are not directly comparable.

1. Scope

1.1 This index is provided for reference to aid in the selection of procedures and test methods used in the evaluation of sheet and liquid roofing materials, as appropriate. Composition specifications and analytical methods in general, as well as tests on raw materials, are not included, the scope being limited to procedures used in the evaluation of the materials as received or as finished materials or coatings.


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